Here are some random pictures which grabbed from hock soon..hehe..
its not according to tell u e events lo~yup yup!!
me,jerlyn and jinyan at a restaurant,juz uphill of the school.
their chillipadi is freaking hot!

one of scenery taken uphill of the school.nice isnt it?- below is padifield!

me,jinyan,vindo in e restuarant again.drinking tea.hee

left clockwise. yiping,jinyan,kokwee and the one with the hat, KC..haha..
hiking along the padifield ~

can see my back??the one wearing hat..we went to another village,known as miao chun

my sweetie pie is in it, on e far right. is lil sis!!

me with the small lamppost around the school.built by ITE students! dun include me..i was busy sleeping the whole time a lil

a cute puppy saw at the miao chun..super cute lo!!

my yaoyao again!! she perform for us lei!!

we three always stick together..candid shot!! haha.

the lil kids at the miao chun.see how happy they are when they see us? how i wish life is like tat too!

we have candlelight dinner at the restaurant during one of the days!! lol...
actually blackout la..then they use candle for us..haha..
left clockwise, jerlyn,hocksoon,me, eric and jinyan =)

we hiking!! with other collegues!! haha

Hock soon with Aspharr's so called son..! cute right?? hehe

jinyan is known to everyone as sang diao sian haha..behind is kok wee!

this is wad happen to wee chong when he drank one shot of the rice wine.
he is smiling to camera!!! lol

Miao chun people make this.i dunno wads this..think is blocks!lol
me and vindo with our rice wine!! hehe the first time we drank!!

cant see group photo...zzzzz

me in e restaurant! so dark..zzzz

the lil kids!!

me again!!

the time when we departed from the village. we cried.

jerlyn,me and jinyan e conference room of the school.

this is how long a earthworm can go..see bigger than hocksoon slipper!! haha

we walking back from the miao chun to the school..see so many kids!!
and yiping with the 804

me and KC with some kids we saw at the miaochun..they like to play with

the day we departed. =(
the lil kids,kc,yiping,eric..hahaa
me and other collegues girls had to perform a dance for the performance night ,so we went to primary school to practice.. in here are me and haiyao with some of her friends =)

look at the nice isnt it??

this is e school, where i lived~ =)

dunno why..but like this

weechong and minsheng with juz jump up to their back and ask them to carry thing..

haha got somemore wor!! juz wait and see lol!!